
We are very lucky to have such active and supportive governors at Ashcott who give up their time willingly. The composition of the Governing Body ensures representation from a cross-section of the community. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected by the governors. There are half termly meetings of the full governing body and termly meetings of working parties to consider a variety of matters concerned with the running of the school.  Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to find out more about the governors and their role in school.  More information can be found on the DfE Ashcott Primary page - click here...

Name Type Role Pecuniary Interests Declarations
Mr Jon Davis Co-opted Governor


Working Party

SEND/CLA Governor

The school employs a sports coach from Mr Davis' sports coaching company (TLE). However, this arrangement began before his commencement as a governor.
Mr Wayne Thompson Co-opted Governor

Vice Chairperson

Business Working Party


Mrs Alison Evans LA Appointed Governor


Business Working Party


Mr Neil Billing Co-opted Governor


Business Working Party



Mrs Adele Pole-Evans


Parent Elected Governor

Health and Safety Governor

Safeguarding Governor

Teaching and Learning  Working Party


Mrs Elizabeth Whiting


Parent Elected Governor

Business Working Party
Mrs Serena Shore Staff Governor

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Teaching and Learning Working Party

Mr William Rogers Parent Elected Governor


Teaching and Learning Working Party



Mrs Lyndsey Lanham


Co-opted Governor

Teaching and Learning Working Party

Mr Richard Briar Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Business Working Party

Mrs Charlotte Jones




 I have lived in Pedwell for the past 14 years. My three daughters all went through Ashcott school and onto the local secondary school. I have been a governor at Ashcott school since 2012 firstly, as a parent governor now a co-opted governor since my children left. My full time job is as a senior leader in a secondary school. I also run a sports coaching company in my spare time - as sports have been fundamental in my life and I love passing the passion onto others. Education is key to a child's life chances and I am keen to give them the best possible start to schooling.

Jon Davis, Chairperson

Wayne Thompson, Vice Chairperson

Hi, My name is Wayne Thompson and I am the current chair of Governors. I have been a Governor at Ashcott school since 2012. I have lived in Pedwell for 22 years, work for British Airways and am married with 4 grown up children, two of which attended Ashcott some time ago. I am a passionate believer in the school being at the heart of the community and as well as supporting the school as a Governor I help to run the local Beer Festival and I perform stewarding duties at Glastonbury festival, both of these raise money for the Schools extracurricular activities.

I am very proud of the hard work that the head teacher and indeed all colleagues at Ashcott School put in every day to ensure that the children are not only safe and secure but also have an enriched curriculum with good opportunities to develop during their time at the school.


 I have lived in Ashcott for many years with my husband and my children who went to Ashcott School.  I have worked in computing for many years, formerly at a branch of Westland Helicopters and currently at the Blue School in Wells as an IT technician.  I have been treasurer at Cheeky Chimps Pre-School and have been on the Ashcott Beerfest Committee.  I was Chairperson of Ashcott School Governing Body for many years.

Alison Evans


Neil Billing

I became a governor in Autumn 2021. Having grown up and lived in Somerset my whole life I appreciate both the benefits and challenges of life in a rural location. My son started at Ashcott school in 2019 and I have always been impressed with the approach the school takes to every child’s education and their personal circumstances. I take an active role in whatever I get involved in and want to help support the school to run effectively to deliver the best possible education to every child. I work in engineering management and hope to bring my experience from industry to my role on the board of governors.

I am a resident of Ashcott and have grown up locally, fostering a strong familiarity with the village and its school. All three of my children have attended Ashcott Primary School, where they enjoyed their time and have made good progress. I believe this is thanks to the excellent care and teaching they received, and the ethos and community feel of the school.

I have served as a parent Governor for several years and have a background in education. I initially worked as a teacher and now manage professional development programs for educators. My passion lies in ensuring that the children at Ashcott Primary School have a positive and enriching school experience that enables them to thrive.


Will Rogers 


Adele Pole-Evans

I've lived in Ashcott for 17 years and am married to Ian, We have 2 children, our daughter started at the school in 2013 and my son is still there.  Prior to that she went to Cheeky Chimps so I became involved in the committee becoming Chair in my 2nd year.  I loved working in Early Years and gained lots of experience not only with fundraising but also working with the staff and providing a great caring environment and inspiring educational space for the children.   


I am now also Chair of the PTA and help with the Ashcott Beer Festival which raises money for local charity and in my spare time I work in property!


I have been a Parent Governor at Ashcott since November 2021 and prior to that was a Co-opted governor at a previous primary school in Berkshire for 4 years.


I work in software development and deployments for life sciences companies and I have 3 children at the school. 

Elizabeth Whiting



Lyndsey Lanham

I have lived in Ashcott for 7 years and my daughter attended Ashcott Primary School before moving up to secondary school. We found the school to be nurturing, whilst giving her a huge range of opportunities within the curriculum and extra curricular activities.

I work for a Local Authority, supporting children with physical and medical needs to access education. I understand the importance of inclusion in schools. 

After being a Governor at our previous school, I wanted to become a Governor at Ashcott Primary to help support the school to offer the best education and opportunities to all children.


I have been a teacher at Ashcott Primary School since 2006 after spending 2 years working in a large primary school in Worcester. I was appointed Staff Governor at Ashcott School in November 2017 and I am also the Deputy Headteacher.

I am so proud of our school and thoroughly love teaching here and being part of the school community.

Being on the governing body enables me to have a real say in how we run and manage our wonderful school and I feel very privileged to be part of a strong team.

My passion is in the Early Years and I work hard to ensure all children have a good start to their education at our school so they can continue as successful and happy learners.



Serena Shore, Deputy Headteacher 

Richard Briar, Headteacher

I am proud to have been Headteacher at Ashcott School since April 2010.  Prior to this I was Deputy Headteacher at St Cuthbert's Junior School in Wells for 7 years.  I have taught in a variety of schools in Bristol, Street, Wells and now Ashcott.  I have been teaching in Primary Education since 1995.

We have built a strong governing body that performs its role of critical friend effectively and strives to ensure children receive the best education we can offer.  I believe it is the strength of the community in the Ashcott area which enables us to create such a wonderful setting where the children can thrive. 

Attendance at Governing Body Meetings

 Governor Attendance 2022-23.docxDownload
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